November is the LDW Group’s Annivesary! LDW is an entire, Female led universe – all the Mistresses have blogs and then we have fetish specific sites such as,….and about 50 more! We’re celebrating by offering YOU a whole bunch of ways to get to play with us! Here are the details:

Two Mistress Tuesdays!

Two Mistress Tuesday! Myself and another Mistress (you can pick or let me or the dispatcher pick!) – The first ten minutes of your two Mistress calls/live chats will be the regular rate of $27.50 (usually $42.50)! Want to know how to set this up or just want to know more about Two Mistress Calls? Read this: Two Mistress Calls

Roll Back Wednesdays! You get to pay what the per minute rate was when LDW originated! An hour call/live chat (must request an hour with the dispatcher) is only $125 all day! I would suggest submitting an appointment request to secure your hour with me on any Wednesday this month!

And all callers on Saturdays and Sundays can win a random prize! Also – your purchases all month long (calls, chats, audios) will get you entered into a drawing for tons of call prizes! See more info about these specials here: The Daily Cock: November Promos!